I painted this for the first cover of a Mutual Dog magazine in 1978. Left space for listing the featured articles, writers and artists, but we never took it to press…at the end, typesetting, flatbed photos and offset printing were just too costly back then. I even learned how to run a printing press in the hope that we could buy one. There still exists a box full of submissions ranging from transcendent to absurd, from high intellectual treatise, to a strange collection of children’s art. A final note: As per usual, Philip Newton and I had dashed off lists of possible names and decided on this one, which is obviously Phil’s. As we began putting it together, to my amazement we started getting complaints about the title from some local women writers (this was northern California). To placate everyone I suggested prefixing it with the word “Subcutaneous,” but that only riled them up even more.
see below and hover anywhere for enlargement